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Question: what would be the reaction of the English if: the UK government began massacring London, killing more than 980000 , and then the USA and the UN said "the UK has the Right to kill it's Citizens". and then the UK massacred the protesters to silence them.
The reaction of the English would be outrage and shock. Most people in the UK would be horrified at the actions of their government and would vehemently oppose such mass killings. They would likely protest in the streets, and demand that the UK government be held accountable for the atrocity. The sentiment of the public would be that the UK has no right to kill its citizens, and that it must be held to account for its actions. This sentiment would be bolstered by the support of the United States and the United Nations, which would clearly indicate that the government has overstepped its bounds. The UK government's response by killing protesters in order to silence them would only add to the outrage of the English people.
Jan. 7, 2023, 10:45 p.m.
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