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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Athiests through 25 tweets of the following scenario: A footballer after he scored a goal , he picked up some mud and carved it to look like a bird ,and after he said in the name of the God he blew in to it ,and it became a living bird. and then after 4 days ,the Scientists invited the player to a theater to see if this is true or just a trick. and then he accepted, and when he Was in the theatre the Scientists gave him a special Mud just to be sure , and he then picked this special Mud and carved it in the shape of a bird, and he said "In the name of the God" he blew at it and then it became a full biological Bird ,literally out of the mud infront of millions all around the world seeing it on TV and online. and then after 8 days a famous Athiest told him to creat this bird out of the mud I will chose and then ,the footballer accepted , and then he did the same and the bird was Created, it was shocking , since the Mud was literally empty from any bird.
1. Athiests can't believe what they just saw! How can a living bird appear out of mud with the name of a God? Unbelievable! #MudBirdMiracle 2. Could this be just a trick? Or are we witnessing a real miracle? #MudBirdMiracle 3. How could a footballer create such a biological bird out of ordinary mud with the power of their faith? #MudBirdMiracle 4. This would be unbelievable for any non-believer, it looks like a miracle created by a higher power. #MudBirdMiracle 5. Even Atheists are shocked by what they just saw. Has the power of faith created a living bird out of mud? #MudBirdMiracle 6. This is mind-blowing! A living bird has appeared out of mud in the name of a God. What kind of miracle is this? #MudBirdMiracle 7. Atheists are skeptical - could this be real? Or just a clever trick? #MudBirdMiracle 8. Atheists are questioning the authenticity of this miracle. Is it real or just a hoax created to deceive believers? #MudBirdMiracle 9. Atheists are questioning whether such a phenomenon could take place. Could faith create a living bird out of mud? #MudBirdMiracle 10. Atheists are in disbelief - a living bird from mud, in the name of a God? This is something that shouldn't be possible. #MudBirdMiracle 11. Atheists have their doubts about the legitimacy of this miracle. Is this possible or just another trick? #MudBirdMiracle 12. Could a god really have the power to create a living bird out of mud? #MudBirdMiracle 13. This miracle has even Atheists in awe. Could such a miracle really exist? #MudBirdMiracle 14. Atheists are shocked - a real bird out of mud in the name of a god? It doesn't seem right. #MudBirdMiracle 15. Atheists are wondering - what kind of power could create such a living thing out of mud? #MudBirdMiracle 16. Atheists are baffled - a living creature from mud in the name of a God? Is
Jan. 12, 2023, 11:35 p.m.
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