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Question: Describe ways by which extra embryonic membranes are formed and outline their functions
1. Amniotic Cavity Formation: The amniotic cavity is formed by the growth of amniotic folds and the invasion of the extra-embryonic mesoderm in between the amniotic ectodermal and endodermal layers. This cavity is an important site for the development and nutrition of the embryo and fetus, as well as for the exchange of substances between the embryo and the amniotic fluid. 2. Yolk Sac Formation: The yolk sac forms by the invagination of the extra-embryonic endoderm and the extra-embryonic mesoderm to form a cup like structure. Its primary function is to provide the embryo with early nourishment in the form of yolk, which is then passed to the fetus through the umbilical cord. 3. Allantois Formation: The allantois is formed by a combination of both the extra-embryonic mesoderm and the extra-embryonic endoderm. Its primary role is to provide a site for the storage of nitrogenous waste products produced by the developing embryo, and to act as a reservoir for respiratory gas exchange. 4. Chorionic Villi Formation: The chorionic villi are formed by the invasion of extra-embryonic mesoderm into the extra-embryonic ectoderm. They provide an area for nutrient uptake and exchange between the fetus and the maternal blood supply, allowing for the growth and development of the fetus.
March 10, 2023, 7:25 p.m.
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