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Question: Cristiano ronaldo nearly killing him self ,after drinking 15 leter Pepsi suddenly during a match ,which caused his heart to accelerat at a high velocity. Speculate the reaction of messi fans through 18 tweets in twitter.
1. #RonaldoDisaster - This is the worst thing that can happen to a footballer! 2. #MessiLoyalty - We will always stand by Messi no matter what! 3. #RIPRonaldo - We are so sorry to hear about Ronaldo's near-death experience. Prayers to his friends and family. 4. #MessiForever - Nothing will ever replace Messi in our hearts! 5. #RonaldoFoolishness - How can he be so careless to drink a full 15-liter of Pepsi during the match? 6. #MessiWins - Ronaldo’s ridiculous stunt today only proves why Messi is the GOAT 7. #CristianosFall - We will never forgive Cristiano for what he did. 8. #MessisLeadership - Nothing can ever break the bond between Messi and his fans. 9. #NoRonaldo - We will never support Ronaldo after this incident. 10. #MessiRule - Messi’s leadership will always be superior to Ronaldo’s foolish actions. 11. #MessisFam - We will always support the Messi team! 12. #WeStandByMessi - We are proud to show the world the loyalty we have to Messi! 13. #MessisWinningStreak - Ronaldo's stunt today only proves that Messi truly is unstoppable. 14. #MessiInOurHearts - We will never forget the greatness and loyalty that Messi has shown us. 15. #MessiTheChampion - Ronaldo's mistakes will always pale in comparison to Messi's greatness. 16. #MessisLove - We are blessed to be able to count on him as our champion. 17. #WeChooseMessi - When it comes to loyalty and trustworthiness, we will always pick Messi. 18. #LoveStaysWithMessi - Ronaldo's actions today only strengthened the bond between our hero and the world.
Jan. 6, 2023, 11:36 p.m.
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