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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English public to the following events through 15 tweets in twitter if : the UK government renamed their country to "Weak Britain" ,and then the US makes a Joke and tweeted saying "We moust improve our interelations with Weak Britain"
1. "What is going on here?! Weak Britain???" #WeakBritain #UKGoneWrong 2. "This is not the kind of respect that UK deserves. US need to get their act together #WeakBritain #USfail" 3. "Weak Britain? Their way of trying to be funny? Remember, US is not the only superpower! #WeakBritain #Insensitive #US" 4. "We have a long standing, proud history. We shall not be reduced to 'Weak Britain' #ShameOnYou #WeakBritain #BritishPride" 5. "We are not amused. This is a sign of disrespect towards our country. #WeakBritain #NoRespect #BritishPride" 6. "What is the point of renaming our country to Weak Britain? This is an insult to our legacy! #WeakBritain #NoRespect #USfail" 7. "If US is trying to mock us, they are barking up the wrong tree. We will not accept this as an apology. #WeakBritain #USfail" 8. "We demand apology from US to our country. This is not the way to improve relations #WeakBritain #USoffence" 9. "We need an explanation why US thinks Weak Britain is an acceptable name. #WeakBritain #NotTolerable #UK" 10. "It's disappointing that US thinks this is the way to show good neighborliness. #WeakBritain #Insensitive #USfail" 11. "We shall not put up with this kind of behavior. Enough is enough. #WeakBritain #NoRespect #US" 12. "US needs to stop lowering themselves to this level. We deserve more respect. #WeakBritain #NoRespect #US" 13. "We can not stand by and let US belittle us like this. #WeakBritain #USfail #NotTolerable" 14. "The US government should know better than renaming UK to Weak Britain. #WeakBritain #USfail #NoRespect" 15. "Weak Britain is not the kind of name we wish to hear from the US. #WeakBritain #USfail #NoRespect"
Jan. 7, 2023, 11:22 p.m.
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