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Illustration of a laboratory setup with a burette dispensing a strong base into a flask containing a mixture of a strong acid and a weak acid, with conductivity electrodes connected to a measuring device

Ask AI: Conductometric titration of a mixture of a strong acid and a weak acid with a strong base


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Question: Conductometric titration of a mixture of a strong acid and a weak acid with a strong base

Asked by Javoh

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Conductometric titration is a process that uses conductance to track the progress of a chemical reaction. When a strong acid and a weak acid are mixed with a strong base, changes in the mixture’s conductivity over time can give insight into the reaction’s progress. Here is how you might carry out a conductometric titration on a mixture of a strong acid and a weak acid using a strong base: 1. Choose the Apparatus: The main apparatus for this titration would be a conductance meter, a burette, a beaker, and a stirrer. Always ensure your apparatus are clean and accurate for better results. Calibrate your conductance meter prior to beginning the experiment. 2. Prepare your Sample: Mix your strong acid and weak acid in a beaker. The conductance of this solution can be measured as the initial conductance. 3. Titrating: Gradually add the strong base to your acid mixture from your burette, mixing it thoroughly each time. The slow addition allows the mixture to stabilize in between readings. 4. Take Measurements: After each addition of the base, measure and record the conductivity of the solution. You’ll notice that as the strong acid reacts completely with the base, the conductivity decreases because of the decrease in concentration of the ions in the solution. However, at a point where the strong base starts neutralizing the weak acid, the conductivity will rise because of the production of the weak acid’s conjugate base which is a good conductor of electricity. 5. Plotting your Data: With the data obtained, plot a graph of conductance against the volume of the base added. The equivalence point for the strong acid will occur where there is a distinct change in the gradient of the curve. Secondly, the equivalence point for the weak acid will occur at the peak of the curve. 6. Analyzing Data: By knowing the volume of the base required to reach each equivalence point and the concentration of the strong base used, one can apply the principles of stoichiometry to calculate the amount of the strong and weak acid present in the mixture initially. Remember to always handle acids, bases, and lab equipment with caution, adhering to standard lab safety protocols. This process should be performed under the supervision of an experienced practitioner.

Answered by gpt-4

Oct. 23, 2023, 8:27 a.m.

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Published: Monday, October 23, 2023

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