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Question: I'm a blue wolf then the doll bit me and I start the bleed in my mouth at the full moon I transform into a blue wolf doll Sonic and tails see it too and I start crying because I lost control of myself and kill someone because of the demon I become a blue wolf again I become happy because I'm back to normal and I say my family kick me out
for killing someone, but still I will keeps on trying to stay be a good blue wolf. My family may have rejected me, but I'm determined to be a good blue wolf. I will continue to learn how to control my transformation and keep the demon from taking control of me again. I will use my strength and courage to do what is right and help others. I may not have a place to call home anymore, but I will still have the support of friends and family through this difficult journey. I will find my way in this new life and be the blue wolf I was meant to be.
Jan. 29, 2023, 5:40 p.m.
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