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Question: if an Arab man one day in Saudi Arabia he stopped an entire train with just one hand and remain unscathed and lifted it and threw it 100 feets above the ground with a video evidance through the station cams, but after his arrest he said that he was angry because of Liverpool lose 7-2 to Aston villa. speculate the worlds reactions through 18 tweets in twiter.
1. #WorldShaken: An Arab Man in Saudi Arabia just single-handedly stopped an entire train and threw it 100 feet in the air! What power! 2. #Unbelievable: Incredible footage from the station cams shows an Arab man in Saudi Arabia using one hand to lift and throw a train! 3. #ProofIsInThePudding: An Arab man in #SaudiArabia just moved a train 100 feet with one hand and claimed he was angry Liverpool lost to Aston Villa. 4. #TrainStopper: An Arab man in Saudi Arabia just stopped a train and threw it! Is this real or a myth? 5. #StrengthPersonified: An Arab Man in #SaudiArabia managed to stop an entire train and throw it 100 feet into the air! Unbelievable! 6. #Impressive: Check out this Arab Man in Saudi Arabia moving a train with one hand! Impressive and shocking at the same time! 7. #MysteriousPowers: An Arab Man in Saudi Arabia managed to stop an entire train and threw it 100 ft! What is he capable of? 8. #ViolentOutburst?: An Arab Man in #SaudiArabia lifted and threw an entire train claiming to be angry over a football match! Mind-boggling! 9. #CrazyDay: An Arab Man in Saudi Arabia lifted and threw an entire train with one hand! What a crazy day in the Kingdom! 10. #MindBlown: So an Arab Man in #SaudiArabia just lifted and threw a train because of a football match! What power! 11. #BrutalForce: A man in Saudi Arabia showed his brutal strength by lifting and throwing a train with one hand! What a way to express anger! 12. #SimplyIncredible: Did you see that? An Arab Man in #SaudiArabia just lifted and threw an entire train 100 ft up in the air! Simply incredible! 13. #MightyPower: An Arab Man in #SaudiArabia lifted and threw an entire train with one hand! What an amazing feat of strength! 14. #AngerIssues: An Arab Man in Saudi Arabia threw an entire train because of a football match? What kind of anger issues? 15. #DangerousStrength: An Arab Man in #SaudiArabia showed his strength by stopping and
Jan. 6, 2023, 7:56 p.m.
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