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Question: (Note :That in this scenario Syria secretly is the strongest country in the world) Speculate the reaction of the people to these events in order ,through 18 tweets in twitter if : a Mysterious airforce striked London ,it was intense to the point that over 48000 people died, then Syria responded arrogantly and said "that was us , and the UK is weak". and then the UK is pressured by it's Citizens to declare war on Syria. and the Syrian president tweeted saying "see we told they are weak". and then the UK declared war. and after a 8 years long war , England for the first time since 1066, has been conquered by Syria winning the war. and after that the Syrian army massacred the almost half the population of London killing more than 7 million and injuring more than 4 million.
1. #London is under attack! Reports are that thousands have been killed and it has reportedly been done by #Syria! 2. #Syria is boasting about how they were behind the attack and how the #UK is weak! 3. #UK citizens are calling on their government to declare war on #Syria in retaliation for the attack on London! 4. The #SyrianPresident has tweeted mocking the UK for not taking action against them and saying they are weak! 5. #England declares war on #Syria! People are fearful and worried about what will happen next. 6. After 8 long years, #Syria has won the war against #England and has now conquered the British Isles for the first time since 1066! 7. The #Syrian army has brutally massacred almost half the population of London leaving millions dead and injured! 8. #London is in ruins, the aftermath of #Syria's attack is devastating. Thousands have been killed and millions are injured. 9. The world is in shock as #Syria has conquered #England and destroyed #London! 10. People are heartbroken, outraged, and scared as the death toll in #London continues to climb. 11. Families are mourning and attempting to pick up the pieces of their lives following the #Syrian invasion. 12. People are demanding justice for the senseless murder of innocent lives in #London. 13. #Syria continues to gloat about their success as they have conquered #England for the first time since 1066. 14. Anger and hatred towards #Syria is at an all-time high as more details about the massacre in #London emerge. 15. The world is watching in horror as #Syria continues its reign of terror, conquering #England and destroying #London. 16. People are calling for action against #Syria, urging their governments to take a stance against this threat. 17. #Londoners are trying to rebuild their lives after the devastating attack, but the fear of #Syria hangs in the air. 18. #JusticeForLondon is trending worldwide as people are demanding justice for those who lost their lives in the #Syrian attack.
Jan. 7, 2023, 5:52 a.m.
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