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Question: Speculate the reaction of the public to these events in order through 17 tweets in twitter if : an airforce striked London ,it was intense to the point that over 48000 people died, then Syria responded arrogantly and said "that was us , and the UK is weak". and then the UK is pressured by it's Citizens to declare war on Syria. and the Syrian president tweeted saying "see we told they are weak". and then the UK declared war. and after a 8 years long war , England has been conquered by Syria. and after that the Syrian army massacred the almost half the population of London killing more than 7 million and injuring more than 4 million. and then the Syrian forces without any mercy massacred 540000 and injured no less than 780000 in the city of Manchester. then the English people began fleeing their homeland , and some were brutally shot dead by the Syrian security forces. then the Syrian president said in a speech "we are just putting our security intact". then the UN said "we don't hold the responsibility of the war, Britain should pay the consequences because they declared war first" .and then a video leaked ,containing the Syrian security forces mocking and killing English Citizens. more videos leaked to the social media.
1. Horrible news from London, an air force strike kills 48000 people. 2. Syria arrogantly responding to the UK by claiming responsibility for the attack, what a disgrace. 3. Furious UK Citizens pressuring the government to declare war on Syria, this could be disasterous. 4. Syrian president tweeting saying "we told you the UK was weak,” further provoking the situation. 5. UK finally declares war on Syria, devastating battles are expected in the near future. 6. After 8 years of war Syria wins a devastating victory, conquering England. 7. Reports of Syrian massacre in London, 7 million dead and 4 million injured. 8. Manchester also faces brutal massacre, 540000 dead and 780000 injured. 9. English people fleeing their homeland, facing brutal shootings by Syrian security forces. 10. Syrian President makes a speech claiming "we are just putting our security intact". 11. UN passes a statement claiming the UK should bear the consequences for the war because they declared war first. 12. Videos of Syrian security forces mocking and killing English citizens leaked to social media. 13. The world is in shock over the news, feeling helpless in the face of such atrocities. 14. Heartbreaking scenes of English people running away from their homes as the war rages further. 15. Global citizens spread awareness and call for justice, demanding an end to the brutality. 16. English citizens beg for help, haunting cries of help left unheard amidst the chaos. 17. Horrifying consequences of the war, a reminder that peace is always better than war. #EndWar #JusticeForEngland
Jan. 7, 2023, 6:43 a.m.
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