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Question: I'm a blue wolf animatronic in a restaurant I was performing I see my boss I was but he sees me on the ground glitching out and it still happens again again and again I was at the storage my eyes start leaking black stuff and I tried to get out he sees the cameras in one of the guy got hit by me but at Sun up I was still normal but at night it happened I power off and start crying but it came inside of me and scream help but I was still power off I get out of the robot but I died from no oxygen and the robot goes offline but the guy said there was a spirit behind me and It think it's possessed
me The man was panicked and confused, unable to understand what had just happened. He knew something was wrong with the animatronic, but he couldn't make sense of the strange behavior. He looked into the surveillance footage and saw the blue wolf animatronic malfunctioning and then completely shutting down. He began to suspect that something may have possessed the animatronic, as it had been emitting a mysterious scream for help. He got some of his colleagues to investigate the issue further, but when they attempted to open up the animatronic, they found it was empty inside and that the blue wolf had been running on its own power. They concluded that the animatronic was no longer functioning, the spirit that possessed it had passed on, and that the incident had been caused by a lack of oxygen inside the animatronic's body.
March 6, 2023, 6:28 p.m.
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