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Question: I'm a blue wolf animatronic in a restaurant I was performing I see my boss I was but he sees me on the ground glitching out and it still happens again again and again I was at the storage my eyes start leaking black stuff and I tried to get out he sees the cameras in one of the guy got hit by me but at Sun up I was still normal but at night it happened
again my boss got worried and he called a technician to check my programming. The technician arrived and took a look at my programming, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. He suggested that my systems needed to be reset, so he rebooted me and reset all my programming. After that, my glitchy behavior stopped completely and I was able to perform the duties for which I was programmed with no further issues. My boss was relieved that the issue had been resolved, but he still kept an eye on me because he did not want the problem to arise again.
March 6, 2023, 6:19 p.m.
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