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Question: Advantage of curriculum change from NCS to CAPS using APA 7 referencing style
The transition from the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in South African education has led to several advantages. 1. More specificity: CAPS provides teachers with a more detailed and structured framework, leaving less room for misinterpretation concerning what should be taught and assessed in each subject and grade level (Department of Basic Education, 2011). 2. Time allocation: CAPS specifies time allocation for each subject in a school timetable, ensuring sufficient and equal attention is devoted to different subjects (Chisholm, 2013). 3. Assessment clarity: CAPS clearly outlines the assessment requirements, marking guidelines, and recording and reporting procedures, making it easier for teachers to plan, implement, and manage the assessment process effectively (Ramrathan, 2016). To cite the references in APA 7 style, you could follow these examples: Department of Basic Education. (2011). Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS). Pretoria: Government Printers. Chisholm, L. (2013). Policy Trajectories in Education in South Africa. In L. Hirchowitz & E. O’Donovan (Eds.), The Limits of Qualitative Research Studies in Education (pp. 203-218). Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. Ramrathan, P. (2016). Curriculum dilemmas and dilemmatic space in a post-apartheid South Africa. Educational Research for Social Change, 5(1), 5-16. Remember, when writing your paper or project, you will likely need to include a Reference List at the end of your document with full bibliographic details of each source in the APA 7 style. Also, please ensure that your institution or professor has not provided specific citation instructions that may differ from standard APA 7 style before adopting this format.
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