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Question: The year is 2024. Write me a long and thorough and detailed story the way I type about a random 6 year old boy with a description of the boy's name, where he's from in the US, birthday, race being white, birth year, height, weight, hair color, hairstyle, eye color and what he's wearing shoes included and what he sounds like as he walks home alone for the first time with permission from his young mom. Include his mom's name, age, birthday and birth year, height, and weight. Include his dad's name, age, birthday and birth year, height and weight and have him not be in his son's life and explain why. Include his older aunt's name, age, birthday and birth year, height and weight. Include his older uncle's name, age being younger than his aunt, birthday and birth year being younger than his aunt, height and weight and have him not be present either. Include his grandma's name, age, birthday and birth year, height and weight. Have the boy be excited to tell all the cool stories about walking alone he was gonna to his mom and grandma when he went over to her house and his loving stuffed animal and his dog. Have him get home and fall asleep. Have him jerk awake at some point in the night when he realizes he's not even sleeping in a bed anymore. Have him look down realizing he's wearing a wedding dress and wedding shoes with a description of the dress not being an American wedding dress and shoes and have him doing something feminine to his appearance with a description of what he's doing with his hands gripping random feminine wedding items with a description of the items and include a niqab. Have the boy look his body assuming he's still in his own body but just wearing girly clothes when he looks at his hands realizing his fingers are dainty and feminine. Have him look down at his chest realizing he actually has boobs and have him see his feminine shoes with his dainty feet. Include the woman's name, race being Middle Eastern and Muslim, what country she's from being in the Middle East with the country mentioned, age being older than his aunt, birthday, birth year being older than his aunt, height, weight, eye color, hair color, hairstyle and who she is and what she does for work if she has a job and who she's getting married to and who all is attending the wedding and who wasn't invited and where she's getting married and what she was doing before the boy possessed her body. Have the boy try to stand up looking at his new reflection when he stumbles in the shoes landing on the ground. Have him say how he misses his mommy and have it be in quoted text before and have it be in broken English saying words wrong and have the words spelled wrong covering his mouth hearing his new womanly voice. Have him say how he wants to go home and he'll miss grandma and mommy so much and that he'll miss his stuffed animal so much and that he can't believe he'll never be himself again and this must be a nightmare please be a nightmare and have it be in quoted text and have it be in broken English and have some words missing. Have him squeeze his eyes shut as he realizes the swap is permanent. Have the boy fall to the ground looking at his dress as he started screaming he wanted to go home and he didn't wanna be a girl and he would really miss mommy and grandma and have it be in quoted text and have it be in broken English saying words and forgetting words. Have him unwillingly say a Muslim prayer and have it be in quoted text before doing a Muslim prayer pose and adjust part of his Muslim outfit in a womanly way.
In the year of 2024, in the small town of Bowling Green, Virginia, USA, lived a child named Aidan Richards. A charming boy of 6 years, he was born in the frosty winter of 2018, with his birthday falling on December 15. Aidan was of white race, standing at 3 feet and 10 inches tall. Weighing about 45 pounds, he had an average size fitting his age group. His curly blonde hair, styled in an all-too-casual tousled look, was a stark contrast to his deep sparkling blue eyes that seemed to hold a world of wonder. On that particular day, he was seen wearing a navy-blue polo shirt with striped shorts, sneakers of white color clung to his feet and a yellow baseball cap. Aidan was not any ordinary child but one burning with exuberance and vitality. As he walked for the first time alone from his school to home, each small step made the gravel crunch, creating a rhythm of independence that echoed in his tiny heart. With wide-spread grin, he narrated his day under his breath, practicing to recall the facts so he could share his new discoveries and adventures with his loved ones. His young mother, Olivia Richards, only 27, born on April 19, 1997 was a beautiful and courageous woman. She stood at 5 feet and 7 inches and weighed 140 pounds. Nevertheless, his father, Dylan Richards, 28, having his birthday on November 7, 1996, was a tall man of 6 feet and weighed around 180 pounds. Sad to say, Dylan left them when Aidan was just 2, unable to cope with the responsibilities of being a father. His relatives included his endearing aunt, Emily Richards, 33 years old, whose birthday land on May 20, 1991. A woman of height 5 feet and 6 inches and a weight of 150 pounds. His uncle, Jason Richards, younger than Emily at 31, was born on September 29, 1993. He was 5 feet and 10 inches tall, weighed 170 pounds but lived quite far away due to his job. Aidan’s bubbly Grandma, Linda Richards, 57 years old, had her birthday on February 15, 1967, was an average-height woman of 5 feet and 5 inches, and weighed 160 pounds. Aidan found great solace in her company and couldn't wait to regale her with his day. The excitement to share his big day began to fade as he approached his house, as his fatigue set in. He greeted his stuffed animal, and patted his dog and after a quiet dinner, he fell into a deep sleep. A loud noise woke Aidan from his slumber. He jolted upright, only to realize the bed wasn't where he lay. Disoriented, he looked at his clothings, a non-American dress, intricately embroidered on its hem. It was a wedding dress, he realized, blushing and having a little fright. But to his surprise, he noted the daintiness of his own fingers, long and elegant. His eyes went to his chest area, the realization of female curves made him shudder. Confusion settled in as he saw his feet, clad in delicate, bedazzled wedding shoes, dainty but alien. His surprise became shock when he saw the reflection, an elegant woman, in a full-length mirror nearby. This lady was Samira, a 34-year-old Middle Eastern woman from Jordan. Born on July 24, 1990, she was a nurse by profession, standing 5 feet and 4 inches tall, and weigh 120 pounds. She was about to be married to her longtime boyfriend, Ali. The majority of Samira's extended family was invited, except her estranged uncle Hassan for reasons known to them. Her wedding was to be held in the local majestic mosque of Amman. His newfound balance betrayed him as Aiden now Samira stood up, stumbling due to the high-heel shoes. Panic creeping, he whispered to himself, "I mum...I miss...mummy. Me want...go...home." His accent was influenced heavily by his undeveloped speech abilities, making his English sound broken. In all his fear, he blurted out, "Me no woman. Want mumm...gramma...teddy..." The torment Aidan felt was immeasurable. He began to cry, repeating, "Is...b-bad...dream. Must be bad...dream." Reality seemed to set in and despair washed over him. "I'm not me again," he whimpered. Suddenly, he crumbled to the floor, pulling at the hem of his dress. "Me want...home. No want...girl," he exclaimed. As if acting on a prior memory, Aidan now Samira found herself reciting in her new matured feminine voice, "In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful." His delicate fingers adjusted the niqab covering his face as he found himself doing the pose associated with the prayer. He was reciting the Muslim prayer he had overheard from Samira's memories. The boy in his new body began sobbing, the reality of his predicament sinking in. It was permanent, and he was not Aidan anymore, but Samira. In his new reality, he was not a small town boy returning home to his loving family, but a grown-up woman on her wedding day, in a foreign land, wrapped in an entirely different culture.
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