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Question: What is your 5 sarcastic funny responses to your 51 year old woman friend that didn't speak to you(a 17 year old boy) in awhile because they were being selfish unreasonable and didn't want to listen to you saying that it doesn't matter that you went on & on about your point if they understood your point that that should squash them being mad at you again?
1. "Apparently, being '51 and wise' doesn't stop you from being unreasonable!" 2. "I'm sure you would've listened to me eventually, if only I had a few more decades to spare." 3. "It's not like I'm wasting away my youth on trying to reason with you." 4. "You've been mad for so long, you forgot why you were mad." 5. "I guess I should've seen this coming, since you don't like when I talk for more than three seconds."
March 10, 2023, 8:21 p.m.
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