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Question: Speculate the reaction of the American people through 25 tweets of the following scenario : a video leaked of the US security forces massacring a protest killing more than 500k accidentally. Note to ai: the people don't know yet it was accidentally.
1. We demand justice for the 500k killed in the US security forces massacre. #JusticeForThe500k 2. How could our own security forces do this? No justification for 500k deaths. #DemandJustice 3. How can 500k people be killed in a matter of minutes? #NoJustification 4. How come we only found out about this massacre now? #UncoveredMassacre 5. Who will be held accountable for this? #HeldAccountable 6. This massacre is a huge injustice. #HugeInjustice 7. We cannot tolerate these kinds of atrocities. #NoMoreAtrocities 8. This massacre was cowardly and unprovoked. #CowardlyAct 9. We need answers on this massacre. #NeedAnswers 10. We must not accept this massacre as normal. #NotNormal 11. We must take action on this massacre. #TakeAction 12. Our government needs to be held accountable. #Accountability 13. This massacre cannot go unpunished. #NoUnpunishedMassacre 14. Our security forces cannot act with impunity. #NoImpunity 15. There can be no more mass killings by our security forces. #NoMoreMassKillings 16. We must stand together to seek justice for the 500k killed. #JusticeForThe500k 17. 500k too many have been slaughtered - we must fight for justice. #500kTooMany 18. We must put an end to the violence caused by our security forces. #EndViolence 19. A video has been leaked of the US security forces massacring 500k - we need answers. #VideoLeak 20. We must take a stand against this massacre. #StandAgainstMassacre 21. How can our own security forces do something like this? #Unbelievable 22. We cannot remain silent in the face of this atrocity. #SpeakUp 23. Our government must be held accountable and justice must be served. #Justice 24. We must demand justice for the victims of this massacre. #DemandJustice 25. We cannot let this massacre
Jan. 9, 2023, 5:45 a.m.
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