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1. Both were ancient Greek city-states: Athens and Sparta were both prominent city-states in ancient Greece. They shared a similar cultural and linguistic heritage, as well as religious beliefs and practices involving the worship of Greek gods and goddesses. 2. Military strength: Both Athens and Sparta were known for their military prowess. Although Sparta is more famous for its highly disciplined and skilled warriors, Athens also had a formidable military and an effective navy, which played a vital role in the protection of their territories and trade routes. 3. Participation in the Peloponnesian War: Both Athens and Sparta were key players in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC), a conflict between two alliances led by Athens and Sparta, respectively. This war was a pivotal moment in ancient Greek history, as it showcased the rising tension between these two powerful city-states and dramatically reshaped the political landscape in the region.
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