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 please don't write anything about him.

A picture of Goku Black crashing down into Alaska.

20 Events of the Justice League That Never Happened


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Question: Stimulate a story of 20 events of the Justice league about the following scenario: Goku black accidentally went to the DC world and to the earth ,and he crashed landed on Alaska. Note to ai: nobody knows who Goku black is.

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1. Superman was the first to spot the mysterious figure crashing down in Alaska. He flew into action and arrived quickly to investigate. 2. Upon closer inspection, Superman realized the figure was a humanoid alien with the power of a Super Saiyan. 3. Superman immediately noticed the alien had a mysterious black energy around him, and he was not sure what it was. 4. Batman and Flash were alerted of the situation and they quickly joined Superman to investigate further. 5. Wonder Woman joined the group soon after and was determined to find out the truth about the alien's origin. 6. The alien was unaware of what had happened and had no memories of where he came from. 7. Superman, Batman, Flash and Wonder Woman, along with the rest of the Justice League, made it their mission to find out the mystery behind the alien's arrival. 8. With the help of Martian Manhunter, they discovered the alien went by the name of Goku Black and he was from the planet Vegeta. 9. With the new information, the Justice League tried to figure out how Goku Black ended up in the DC universe. 10. After doing some research, they discovered an interdimensional portal had opened up and Goku Black had fallen through it into the DC world. 11. With the help of the Justice League, Goku Black was able to find his way back to his planet, Vegeta. 12. The Justice League then focused their attention on closing the interdimensional portal and preventing any other aliens from entering their world. 13. After an extensive search, the Justice League discovered the location of the interdimensional portal, which was located at the edge of the universe. 14. With the help of the gods, the Justice League was able to build a powerful shield to contain the portal and keep it closed. 15. The Green Lantern Corps were assigned to patrol the barrier and make sure nothing got through it. 16. With the interdimensional portal now closed, the Justice League celebrated their victory and congratulated themselves for a job well done. 17. To honor Goku Black, Superman and the Justice League decided to set up a memorial in his honor on the edge of the universe. 18. The gods blessed the memorial as a sign of gratitude for the Justice

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.

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Published: Wednesday, January 18, 2023

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