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Question: 1.1.1 Explain the reason that led to the first war between the Khokhoi and the Dutch people. (1x1) (1) 1.1.2 What led to the Establishment of the Dutch East India Company? (1x2) (2) 1.1.3 ‘Within few weeks of Jan Van Riebeeck’s arrival at the Cape, he wanted slaves at setting up the refreshment station as the Cape was not to be his Colony.’ Explain the reason why he decided to exclude the indigenous people of the Cape in this regard? (1x2) (2)
1.1.1 The main reason for the first war between the Khokhoi (also known as the Khoikhoi) and the Dutch settlers was a conflict over resources. The Dutch, led by Jan van Riebeeck, began establishing a colony - the Cape Colony - in what is today South Africa in 1652. This colony was initially meant to serve as a rest stop and supply station for the Dutch East India Company's ships travelling to Asia. However, as the Dutch attempted to establish farms in the region, conflicts arose with the indigenous Khokhoi who were traditionally livestock farmers. The Dutch wanted to access grazing lands for their own livestock and started to lay claim on Khokhoi lands, leading to conflicts and eventually the start of the first Khoikhoi-Dutch War. 1.1.2 The Dutch East India Company was established due to the competitiveness of the spice trade in the East Indies (Southeast Asia today). In the 17th century, the spice trade was massively profitable but also extremely competitive, with various European powers vying for control. In 1602, the Dutch government decided to consolidate various smaller trading companies into one major one - the Dutch East India Company, in an attempt to monopolize the spice trade for the Dutch and eliminate competition among themselves. 1.1.3 Jan van Riebeeck wanted to use slaves instead of the indigenous population for setting up the refreshment station for several reasons. One, he may have feared that employing local people could lead to conflicts or revolts, a common concern amongst colonial powers. Furthermore, European colonizers often viewed indigenous populations as "uncivilized" and unfit for labor, a perception rooted in racism and cultural superiority. Lastly, slaves could be controlled and exploited more easily than indigenous people. Slaves were transported from other regions, were unfamiliar with the land, its people and didn't have a support network, which made them more vulnerable and easier to control. This combination of racism, ease of control, and fear of conflict led him to use slaves for the work.
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