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Question: Question 1 Choose the correct answer 1.1.Flipped classroom’s online material enables educators. a. Coach large classes b. Out-of-class learning need to be carefully disintegrated. c. Enables more focused teaching and learning to take place in the classroom 1.2. Critical attitudes a. the foundation of such a learning-orientated classroom is a system of critical learning. b. Educators who are incredible practice what they preach. 1.3. One cannot expect all to be fine in a classroom setting just because there is a set of published rules. There has to be a. A thoughtful balance of rights, responsibilities, rules and routines b. An educator who plays the role of the motivator. c. A cohesive phase, cooperative learning, classroom meetings and peer-teaching. 1.4. A work-orientated classroom would entail a. Learners comply with instructions carefully to complete their tasks. b. the first, the focus is on creativity. c. the responsibility for the learning taking place lies with the learner. 1.5. Leaving the ego at the door would mean: a. is the feeling that learners experience from their self-image and self-concept. b. emotions are usually well managed, but the responsibility for the learning taking place lies with the educator. c. Put emotions away for later his or her own issues as they arise 1.6. The most important steps for a teacher to manage stress is to a. immediately go for professional help b. A teacher may engage in negative self-fulfilling prophesies c. A teacher should learn to be assertive 1.7. It was found that in large classrooms, engaging the learners together is a challenge. a. This is even more so when using technologically driven approaches to teaching, b. Another way to manage large classes is to apply the traditional approach to teaching, which is becoming popular, mostly due to the advancement of technology in the classroom 1.8. Educator intervention a. some actions that an individual educator could use ensure more effective discipline b. addressing disciplinary problems requires the sole intervention of the classroom educator c. Effective discipline is a combination of effective intervention at the school level and effective management at the classroom level 1.9. Connecting learners with each other by using technology would entail a. Learners should be discouraged from establishing communities of practice b. Learners may use social networking platforms to collaborate i c. Teachers should not strive to use social networking platforms in large classrooms 1.10. Discipline a. the decreasing amount of disruptive behaviour substantially interferes with their teaching. b. half of all classroom time is used for instruction and that disciplinary problems occupy most of the other half. c. disciplinary problems impact on the school as a whole, it is the classroom manager who is who should take the sole responsibility for resolving such problems.
Here are the correct answers to the questions provided: 1.1. Flipped classroom’s online material enables educators. c. Enables more focused teaching and learning to take place in the classroom 1.2. Critical attitudes a. the foundation of such a learning-orientated classroom is a system of critical learning. 1.3. One cannot expect all to be fine in a classroom setting just because there is a set of published rules. There has to be a. A thoughtful balance of rights, responsibilities, rules and routines 1.4. A work-orientated classroom would entail a. Learners comply with instructions carefully to complete their tasks. 1.5. Leaving the ego at the door would mean: c. Put emotions away for later his or her own issues as they arise 1.6. The most important steps for a teacher to manage stress is to c. A teacher should learn to be assertive 1.7. It was found that in large classrooms, engaging the learners together is a challenge. a. This is even more so when using technologically driven approaches to teaching, 1.8. Educator intervention c. Effective discipline is a combination of effective intervention at the school level and effective management at the classroom level 1.9. Connecting learners with each other by using technology would entail b. Learners may use social networking platforms to collaborate 1.10. Discipline b. half of all classroom time is used for instruction and that disciplinary problems occupy most of the other half.
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