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Question: 1. Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th, & 15th) - 2. March of the Bonus Army - 3. Who were the Federalists and what were they in favor of? - 4. What was Reconstruction? - 5. Describe the Compromise of 1877 - 6. Describe the Fireside Chats - 7. Explain Court Packing - Short answers please, and do not use *.
1. Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th, & 15th) - These amendments were adopted post-Civil War to abolish slavery (13th), grant citizenship and equal protection under the law (14th), and protect voting rights for African American men (15th). 2. March of the Bonus Army - In 1932, WWI veterans marched to Washington, D.C., to demand early payment of a promised bonus, but were forcibly removed by the army. 3. Who were the Federalists and what were they in favor of? - The Federalists were supporters of a strong central government and favored the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Key figures included Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. 4. What was Reconstruction? - Reconstruction (1865-1877) was the period after the Civil War focused on rebuilding the South, integrating freed slaves into society, and enforcing civil rights. 5. Describe the Compromise of 1877 - The Compromise of 1877 settled the disputed 1876 presidential election. Rutherford B. Hayes became president, and in return, federal troops were withdrawn from the South, ending Reconstruction. 6. Describe the Fireside Chats - These were a series of radio addresses by President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944 aimed at directly communicating with the American public to explain his policies and calm fears during the Great Depression and WWII. 7. Explain Court Packing - Court Packing refers to FDR's 1937 proposal to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court to obtain favorable rulings for New Deal legislation that had been previously ruled unconstitutional. The plan was widely criticized and ultimately failed.
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