I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
This story was generated by user manemansteve3 with assistance by one of OpenAIās large-scale language-generation model; prompts used to help generate the story are shown below.
Images were generated with OpenAI's AI system, DALLĀ·E 2, or uploaded by the user.
Prompt: A long and thorough and detailed 180 sentences story in a formatted list of 1 to 180 about a 6 year old boy with a description of the boy's name, age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color and race being white. Include his mom's name, age, birthday, birth year, height, weight, hair color and style and eye color. Have his mom be wearing a Halloween costume for Halloween and have it be skimpy and feminine but have her not be wearing the shoes that went with the costume and include the thing she was for Halloween and describe the entire outfit that went with the costume and include shoes being skimpy and open toed and include the type and color being very specific with what kinda shoes and her shoe size being small. Have the boy be wearing a costume and have him be barefoot just missing one last part of his costume and include what it was. Have her nails be painted and include the color. Have them be living in a small house just the two of them since his dad had left them and have his mom be in the living room getting things ready for them to go trick or treating and have it be his first time and have him be excited but have him be trying to find the last piece of his costume. Have him say oh darn where is my ___ and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks. Have him run upstairs to his mom's room spotting his missing costume piece walking towards it and picking it up and leaving not looking at the ground. Have him trip over something. Have him look down to see he had accidentally slipped on the shoes that went with his mom's costume and have him stumble to the bathroom dropping his costume piece and have him attempt to remove the shoes unable to. Have him have had no intention of wearing them. Have his mom's hoop earrings that she was playing on wearing and her makeup and lipstick be on the bathroom counter. Have his feet start cracking and aging and feminizing and growing into his mom's feet complete with her nail polish in a formatted list of 1 to 5. Have him say nooooo i don't wanna be mommy i wanna be me i wanna be a ___ for Halloween i want candy i don't wanna be a girl and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks. Have his legs feminize and age in a formatted list of 1 to 5 as the lower half of his mom's costume being very specific and a pair of panties formed on him. Have him continue to try to remove the shoes unable to. Have his torso and chest feminize and age in a formatted list of 1 to 5 as the upper half of his mom's costume being very specific and a bra formed on him. Have his hands and arms feminize and age in a formatted list of 1 to 5 as he gained a matching fingernail polish to his toenail polish. Have him cry saying i didn't do anything and have it be in quoted text. Have his head and hair and face feminize and age in a formatted list of 1 to 15 as massive changes happened to him. Have his voice crack and age as his memories changed until he only remembered being a woman. Have the woman blink a few times applying lipstick and makeup in a very detailed way in a formatted list of 1 to 10 as she was very particular. Have her put the hoop earrings in her ears. Have her smile and strut out to her full body mirror in the hallway admiring her costume and her shoes. Have her say you look so hot ___ you're one sexy looking ___ those hee___ look good on you i love Halloween can't wait to take my son trick or treating wherever he is and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks. Have the mom walk back in the bathroom spotting a piece of her son's costume. Have her pick it up yelling sweetie honey ____ mommy's ready to go come on baby don't wanna miss your first Halloween where is he he was just here don't panic just calm down _____ you're __ years old you're a great mother you'll find him and have it be in quoted text filling in the blanks referring to herself by her first name and her son by his first name. Have her never remember who she used to be. Have it just be her in the house now. Continue the story from here.
Response: I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
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